All photos and text are property of Dave Forney and may not be used without express permission.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

A Few Family Photos from the 2017 Archives

2017 has been a good year. If the meager postings on my blog are any indication (and they are) it's also been a very busy and crazy year! There is so much I intended to share with you as the year unfolded, but alas, here we are on the eve of 2018, and there's no way I could possibly catch up now.

Instead, I'll just show a few random family photos from the past 6 months that have been sitting in my blog folder waiting...

In October, during the kids' school break, we spent a day at what the kids like to refer to as simply, "The Pool". We live in Kampala, and this pool is located at a hotel in Entebbe. It takes about an hour to drive there, and it's costs a bit to use the pool for the day, but the kids love it--especially the high dives.

Back in July we snagged a few days of camping at Lake Mburo National Park with our good friends the Browns, which was a blast!

After being continually hot and sweaty and dirty for a few days, we then relaxed for a brief respite at Kingfisher, just outside Queen Elizabeth, where the kids enjoyed the pool and food, and the adults enjoyed the slow pace and great chill time.

Then, in August we were able to spend a few more days tent camping up at Kidepo National Park.

Hudson turned 13 in July. In August he was the guest of honor at a dinner where an awesome group  of men enjoyed some great Indian food, and offered him tidbits of wisdom and insight into becoming a man.

Hudson, Tanner, and Tyler began taking Karate lessons this summer, which they really enjoy!

In short order they successfully tested for, and received, their yellow belts. They will soon be testing for their orange belts.

This is a random picture from earlier in the year--a shot of our son, Britt, and our dog, Georgia, doing a cheesy pose. However, I included this one because Britton and the other kids have decided to breed Georgia again (which took place the week before Christmas). It is a lot of work and responsibility, but something that they did well a few years ago. If all goes well, in late February we should have a bunch of purebred South African Boerboels here.

Christmas at our house this year was a bit underwhelming, as our car repeatedly broke down in the driveway, and we had various kids sick throughout the days before and after Christmas. Nonetheless we had an enjoyable time together as a family, including the big Christmas breakfast that the kids look forward to all year.  Sitting on Joy's lap is our new foster girl, Sanyu.

We look forward to all that God has in store for us in 2018.