July has probably been one of our busiest months since we’ve been here. Among many other things going on this month, we had a group of mission aviation students from LeTourneau University come to our program for a vision trip. While they were here, Paul College, (my good friend and fellow MAF pilot,) and I took them interior for three days/two nights, packed full of everything from boat rides down rapid-filled rivers, to a jungle trek in search of a recently wrecked airplane, (not MAF’s.) I also brought along all of the equipment to show “The Jesus Film” and “The End of the Spear” in several villages. Before showing the films I had the opportunity to share my testimony, and we had plenty of time to visit with the local pastors and their families as well.
Then, just as after the LeTU team left, two film guys came from the U.S. (one from MAF, and one from the Christian Television Network - CTN) to do a story on our program. We enjoyed the fellowship with them, and are glad to have made a few new friends. The show about our MAF team here in East Kalimantan will eventually air on the exciting program called “All Over the World.” To find out more about this program you can go to http://www.aotw.tv/.
While the film guys were here I went on another overnight ministry trip, this time to a different village. Again I took all the video stuff along to show films. These are always a big hit and a great way to share the gospel and encourage believers.

In the next few updates here I’ll share some pics from the interior ministry trips I did this month. But first, some pictures from the snorkeling trip. :)